The 5 Ways to WellbeinG
Have a look at the photos above - these are just some of the ways we have been expressing the 5 Ways to Wellbeing in school recently.
At Morley Victoria, we are passionate about mental health and ensuring our pupils are equipped with the knowledge, skills and strategies required to live happy and healthy lives.
Research shows there are five simple things we can do as part of our daily lives to build resilience, boost wellbeing and lower the risk of developing mental health problems. These simple actions are known internationally as the Five Ways to Wellbeing.
At Morley Victoria we promote and practice the Five Ways to Wellbeing.
Why the Five Ways work
Connect: Strengthening relationships with others and feeling close to and valued by others, including at work, is critical to boosting wellbeing.
Keep Learning: Being curious and seeking out new experiences at work and in life more generally positively stimulates the brain.
Be Active: Being physically active, including at work, improves physical health and can improve mood and wellbeing and decrease stress, depression and anxiety.
Give: Carrying out acts of kindness, whether small or large, can increase happiness, life satisfaction and general sense of wellbeing.
Take Notice: Paying more attention to the present moment, to thoughts and feelings and to the world around, boosts our wellbeing.
Five Ways to Wellbeing in action
Keep active:
dance to your favourite song
walk a dog
hula hoop
join a sports team
play a game in the playground
walk or cycle to school
help in the garden
run a race with friends
make up your own sport
Take notice:
look what you can see out of your window and how it changes
paint or draw a picture of what you've seen today
think about how you are feeling today
listen to the sounds of nature like the wind and rain
play I spy
notice how your friends or family are feeling today
talk to your friends and family
help a friend or neighbour
eat a meal with your family
make a new friend
say hello
bake some cakes and share them
Keep learning:
learn a new word each day
visit a museum or art gallery
try out a musical instrument
do a word search
try a new food
learn to cook a new recipe
study an animal or bug
visit a new place
write a story or song
smile and say thank you
make a homemade present or card for no reason
hold a door open for someone
give someone you love a hug
send your old toys to a charity shop
share with others
help around the house - wash the dishes or do some dusting
listen to someone else and how they are feeling
Here are some useful website links that you might wish to look at: