community reading partnership
As you will know by now, reading is our number one priority at Morley Victoria. It is the be all and end all; the master skill. We are very fortunate to have a special group of people, our community volunteer readers, who give up their time to come and hear children read in school every week.
This group of people is currently made up of Governors, PFA members and lunchtime staff. All of the volunteers reading with the children have had training from the Reading Leaders about how to listen to a child read. The volunteer readers have been assigned to a year group and read with the same group of children every week so they can build relationships - the children often ask when they are coming and REALLY look forward to it.
We feel very privileged to have such a great group of people who are willing to support the children in their learning and firmly believe that the whole school community have an important role in sharing and promoting the love of reading.
We have had this running for a few years now and are seeing the impact of their time and hard work. It is lovely to walk through school and see children reading in every available space!
If you have a passion for reading and wish to volunteer some time to come and read with the children, please contact the school office - we'd love to hear from you!